Courage Center Camps - Camp Courage and Courage North - are part of Courage Center, a nonprofit rehabilitation and resource center for people with disabilities. Since 1955, Courage Camps have provided children and adults with disabilities and speech, hearing and language impairments safe, accessible places in nature to learn, grow, make friends and have fun.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Courage North Expands Programming to Include Adults who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing
Courage Center Camps is excited to announce that they are expanding their programming this summer to include a session specifically designed for adults who are Deaf/hard of hearing. "A Mini Vacation for Adults" will take place August 7-12, 2009 at Courage North near Lake George, MN. Participants will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of traditional camp activities such as fishing, kayaking,canoeing, sailing, biking, hiking and visits to Itasca State Park. Programming will be coordinated by staff members who are either Deaf or hard of hearing or who are skilled in ASL. Campers need to be physically independant. For questions or more information, please contact:
Courage North
218-266-3658 voice and video phone
1-866-276-3631 toll free