Monday, August 10, 2009

National S'mores Day

Campers and Staff from Courage North set out to roast the perfect marshmellow.

Another great reason to celebrate... August 10th is National S'mores Day. In case you need some reminders on how to make a s'more, we have provided a recipe below

Classic S'Mores
(1) Place Hershey bars on graham crackers.
(2) Toast marshmallows.
(3) Place toasted marshmallows on Hershey bars to melt chocolate.

Indoor S'mores (for those of you without access to a real campfire)
12 graham cracker squares
3 Cups milk chocolate chips
2 tablespoons peanut butter
3 cups miniature marshmallows
1. Spray 13x9 inch pan with cooking spray
2. Put the graham crackers a plastic zip lock bag. Seal bag closed. squeeze the
bag until crackers are broken into small pieces about the size of postage
3. Put the chocolate chips and peanut butter in the saucepan. Cook over low
heat, stirring all the time with wooden spoon, until chocolate chips are
melted. Take saucepan off hot burner. Stir in the graham cracker pieces and
the marshmallows.
4. Spread the marshmallow mixture in the sprayed pan, using back of wooden
spoon. Put pan of bars in the refrigerator for about 1 hour or until firm. Cut
the pan of bars into 8 rows by 6 rows, using a sharp knife. Wrap any leftover
bars in plastic wrap and store in refrigerator.